Wednesday, June 19, 2024

CH 1


The trees outside scratched the glass windows as if they were trying to get out of restraints in

an old time mental institution. Coincidentally enough, this building used to be one but was

repurposed as a group therapy office. The outside still held the Gothic architecture that was laid

almost two hundred years ago.

“So how’d you come to arrive here?”

The man across from the gentleman posing the question was sat on a red leather couch that

looked pretty gaudy, maybe passed down generations or a thrift store grab for a forgetful office

decorator. His clothes, upscale, business suit without the jacket were soaking wet, presumably

from the dreary and cold day outside. He looked agitated at the question, stroking his mainly black

with gray patches beard.

“See, that’s the stupid shit I was trying to avoid by coming here in the first place. You can’t

see my clothes? I walked here. Turned left on Kossuth, like the website said.”

The therapist lightly chuckled before shooting back, “that’s not what I meant, let me

rephrase.” Shuffling the notebook on his lap and dropping it from his grasp, “ What I meant was

under what circumstances did you reach out to us? What are you looking to accomplish by coming

here, Jamie?”

“Please, call me Jay,” he said, speaking in a much more relaxed tone than he initially opened

with. “Well, that’s tough. I feel like it’s the only thing I haven’t tried. I’m… lost in life. I know I have a

drinking problem and I’ve been off the sauce for about eight months now. Two hundred six days and

counting.” Jamie, clearly pleased with knowing exactly how long he has been alcohol free, relaxed a bit

and sprawled his back a bit against the couch.

“Well, I think that’s marvelous. Simply marvelous. May I ask a brief follow up?”

“Yeah, sure thing, doc.”

“What made you want to stop? I see in your report here you had been drinking consistently

for over twenty years?”

Jamie sat up and clamped his hands together, signifying just how honest he had planned to be.

“I guess the main reason is that I was tired of losing people. Losing people directly from being

an asshole while being shit-faced. I’ve thought of this a lot, so please allow me to expand.”

The doctor gave the go ahead by making a light go motion with his right hand.

“So I kinda look at it as retirement. There’s not a single experience I haven’t had while drinking.

I’m not missing out on anything but a two day hangover. Wasting money on drunk eats? Fuck, I’ve

probably spent upwards of twenty thousand just on drinking adventures, if that’s what you want to

call them.”

The therapist scribbled in his notepad as Jamie answered more thoroughly.

“Anyways, yeah, I just feel like there isn’t much more for me to do in that arena. I’ve

had the spontaneous fun, the waking up next to a stranger, waking up to people hating you or

scared to check your phone because of what you may have said the night before. I’ve done it all.

Like Jordan. But drinking.”

Satisfied with the reply he spoke, he once again leaned back into his more relaxed state -

back against the couch. He looked around the room as Dr. Wesley carefully considered his response.

So far, Jamie had liked the doctor he chose. It was almost to a point that he was leaning towards giving

up on the idea of help for good. Suicidal thoughts were becoming more common with each passing

day, but he hadn’t shared them with anybody yet. He assumed it was most likely a bi-product

of this new way of life he had adopted almost a year ago.

Dr. Wesley stood up to get some wrinkles he saw in his clothes, smoothly brushing down

his dress shirt and khakis ensemble. He got back to the chair before apologizing, which was

graciously accepted by Jamie.

“That’s a very original and thoughtful reason and I can dispute none of it. Unfortunately,

alcohol addiction is very common in our society, you see -” Before he could finish his sentence, Jamie


“Thar’s exactly it! It’s god damn everywhere! Let’s say for example me and you had dinner

after this, right?” The doctor nodded, giving him the green light to continue. “Right so if I order twelve

beers and four shots nobody would bat an eye. I bust out a bag of coke and start doing rails off a

dinner plate and suddenly I’m a monster and needs to be locked up.”

“Oh absolutely, that’s what I was getting to. It’s socially acceptable to not only drink but to get

drunk. Weekly, sometimes nightly depending on career and other factors such as friends groups,

things like that.

Jamie nodded along, checking his watch to see how much time was remaining.

“So, doc we got a few minutes left, can we open this up to where I can ask you something?”

The doctor was amused by the question, having never been asked it before. “You know, in

all my years, I’ve never been asked that. Sure thing, Jamie.”

Jamie’s gaze caught a painting on the wall.

“That right there. Is it meant to fuck with me? Make me think I’m crazy?”

Just as he finished the question, the doctor’s timer went off. “That’s time. I’m sorry, I had to cut

a few minutes this week.

“Next time?” asked the doctor.

Jamie stood, disappointed. “It’s the first thing we’re talking about.”

The doctor laughed and escorted him out the door, gently closing it behind him to return

back to his chair. He turned the lights out and reclined back, placing his notepad on his forehead for

even more darkness. Drifting to sleep, thinking about that damn painting. He’d never had a patient as

intellectually sound as Jamie. Things could get ugly sooner rather than later.

Sunday, October 17, 2021



                THE WAITRESS

The door was pushed open gently, causing the wind chimes to sing as the top of it touched them. A voice from the back of the diner ringed out, sounding as if her entrance had awoken him. “Christi, thank you for coming in so early, you saved my ass!” She chuckled to herself knowing that both, he was being sarcastic and he was genuinely appreciative. It’s just how Karl was, he’s been this way

since the day she met him. He shuffled his way into the dining area to greet her, slipping her a crisp twenty dollar piece of gratitude.

Christi looked down at his palm before blindly accepting it, and met his gaze with one of her own, despite the tired look in her eyes. She tried to deny the tip, but before she could finish the words,

you didn’t have to,” he shook his head back at her and said, “nonsense!”

Besides her exhausted appearance, she was stunning, even without a shred of makeup. She had

planned to apply some in the bathroom before her shift began. In motherly fashion, she showed up early to check on Karl, ensuring he was not only recovering as he should but to also make him coffee and a light breakfast if it was necessary. Her brunette pair was put back into a draping ponytail, almost bouncing off of the small of her back at every step she took. Her brown eyes sparkled like witches magic in the proper light, giving her a more innocent appearance than she felt she ever deserved.

Turning 30 wasn’t as scary as she envisioned. She once brought it up to Karl who shot the notion with pin point precision. He told her that she had nothing to worry about, 30 was the new 20, and in her first seven months of it, he was right. Of course he was. He was always right. She appreciated his guidance and wisdom more than anything about him. The day she interviewed for the job he made a joke about her height, saying she could drown in a puddle.

While not literally correct, she laughed and admitted he was right, Five foot nothin’ was small, indeed. She aged like Gouda cheese, or to be more cliché, like fine wine. She could pass for 21, still getting carded at the liquor store from time to time. She took it as a compliment, and it made it a point to carry her ID on her all times.

Karl on the other hand, was quite the opposite. Life had beaten his ass and taken his name a dozen times over. He had given up on love, but was not miserable. Just because it didn’t work out for him didn’t mean the rest of the world would have the same fate. He did his best to spread positivity to all, regardless if they had wronged him or not. His face shouted pain so loudly a deaf man would cover

his ears. It was painfully obvious. All he had was this diner and the customers inside of it, but that was enough for him. He never asked for much but happiness, and if this was what he was offered, he gladly accepted it.

Christi, in turn accepted the job with a smile as well, and it’s been a happy partnership ever since she agreed to be his head waitress three years ago, give or take a month or two. She walked in

from the back room, tying her apron before counting the cash till from the night before. Everything

checked out as it should, so she returned to the front door to lock it shut before opening hours had


She approached Karl, who was sitting at a table nearest to the wall, reading the paper from the

previous morning. “And you say I’m old news,” she said with a smirk, sliding out the chair adjacent to him. His eyes briefly met hers, giving her a slight grin, and then straight back down to the obituary section. “You’re funny, kid. Gotta tell ya, nothing worse than getting old, but never lose your smile. None of us get out alive.” She nodded along and poured herself a cup of coffee that rested next to Karl. Two creams, no sugar.

They opened in 20 minutes and this was their routine. Karl would read the paper and opine about any article he found interesting or ludicrous and they’d chat about it briefly. Christi looked at the decor on the walls, just as she had any other day, but for some reason it hit her differently in this moment. The photos of the old neighborhood almost brought a tear to her eye, and back to an era that she would never get the chance to experience. She gripped her pink apron under the table, growing frustrated with Karl that today wasn’t like every other. He wasn’t talking about any article, just sitting there with one hand resting on his forehead, reading.

Her grip getting tighter, she required a routine and he was fucking it up. It wasn’t his fault, he didn’t know about it. They didn’t get personal, they didn’t get into demons, secrets, skeletons. She reached for the sugar, hoping to get his attention. She hadn’t used a dust of sugar since they had met, surely this would do it.

She was wrong. He never broke eye contact with that god damned obituary page. She slammed her fist on the table and untied her apron, shouting that she was going out for a cigarette. Karl picked his head up and said, “but you don’t smoke, Christi.” She stormed off and into the office where he had

slept since he bought the place so many years ago. The same wood paneling on the walls, damn near peeling off the yellow paint job. She always wondered if the yellow was intentional or if they were nicotine stains that he never bothered to scrub off.

Christi ruffled through paper receipts and bills on his desk until she uncovered the pack of full

flavor cigarettes and pushed the door open with such force that it clanged off of the wall outside. As she lit the stick with a custom zippo engraved with his initials, he followed her outside.

“What did I do, Christi?”

“It’s not about what you did, it’s more about what you didn’t do.”

He shrugged his shoulders and paced around the space in front of her, where the dumpsters stood. “I’m lost without a map. I am a man, after all.”

She took a pull of the cigarette with a slight smile on her face, and retorted back with, “Karl, you know me better than anyone on this planet outside of my ex-fiancee. You know I am a creature of habit. You know I require routine, and you just broke two years and a half years worth of it in there.”

Karl paced around some more, taking a deep breath of the fall air before speaking back.

“You thought I knew you liked me rambling about the news? Why don’t you just watch the news? They’re more educated than me.” Christi flicked her cigarette and gave him an empty look. “You think it’s about being educated? You think it’s about the news? Karl...Jesus Christ, I don’t care about those things! I like what we have as friends. You are one of the few who know of my issues, and it’s why I stay!”

He stopped dead in his tracks and looked like a puppy who got caught pooping in the kitchen. “Oh, Christi, I never knew. I’m so sorry. I -,” she cut him off mid sentence.

“It wasn’t intentional, I know. It just bothered me.” She chucked her butt into the puddle to the left of Karl and gestured for him to come inside with her. He followed at her behest, she held the blue painted screen door open for him.

Friday, July 30, 2021

A World Like This 1-10 (2021)

CHAPTER 1: We’re Here Now

“So this shit is supposed to help me?

“That’s not up to me,” he peered back over his notes.”This thing here is like most anything in life. You

get what you put in. If you’re not willing to try it is a waste of time. You have to want to. You have to

want to make changes and be a better person.”

“How do you know what I want? We’ve spoken for 20 minutes. I’m sorry, let me stop myself quickly. I

know it’s not immediate. It just feels like you don’t give a shit what I’m going through?”

He drops his notes in his lap and looks back at him.

“Why do you think that?”

“Think what? That you don’t give a fuck? You don’t.”

“Yes, I do give a “fuck,” why would you think I don’t?”

“I’m nothing but a number to you. A paycheck. I get it. You can’t get attached to every client you have.

I’m not saying you even should, but maybe drop the act? You have a job to do and it ends as soon as

our time does.”

He looks down at the carpeted floor, black with golden tassel trim on the outskirts. Towards the middle

of the carpet design was ancient sigils. It looked like them, anyways.

“Expensive,” he shot at his therapist.


“Ha. I meant the carpeting, but yeah. You too.”

“The best money can buy some say. That’s not the point here. You’ve been staring at the floor and have

said ten words since you walked in. Are you sure you really want to be here?”

He shook his head around, stood up and peered out the window. Letting out a deep exhale and

rubbing his facial hair, he leaned against the wall next to the pane glass. He folds his arms and begins

to explain.

“Do I want to be here? No. Of course I don’t. I am here by choice though. I’m asking a lot of you. To

figure out what’s wrong with me. To tell me why I am the way I am. I HAVE to be here. For my own

good. I’m paying you to fix me. Do you think you are capable of it? I’m asking seriously and honestly.

I have a lot wrong with me so just be honest. If you can’t, I’ll respect that and walk out the door.”

Collecting his thoughts briefly, he responded with a deep breath of his own. It sounded like he gave up

before he even started the process.

“I’m not saying you ‘get me, can fix me, or even want to. I’m asking you to be honest about your

motives and reasoning so I can figure out where to go from here. I have no time to waste, my livelihood

is hanging in the balance and you’re sitting there nodding along like a fucking idiot.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Am I wrong?

“It sounds like an accurate representation, but we’re still on new ground here. I’m getting to know


The client wipes his face and turns his back to the bald headed, clean shaven therapist. He rattles the

blackout curtains next to him and looks back at him.

“That’s the problem,” he says, looking at him with disgust. “You people don’t give enough of a

shit to CARE. Which is fine. As I said you have many clients, I’m nothing to you but an hourly fee.

Which again,is fine. It comes with the territory. I need someone who will be committed to me healing

and becoming the person I should be, the one I need to be.

“And do you think I can do that?”

“I don’t know yet. I’m willing to give you another session to find out. I’m still learning you, too.”

The client stands up as soon as the therapists iPhone alarm goes off. Session over.

“Perfect timing, huh?”

The client stands up and heads towards the mahogany door. As he pulls for the door handle he feels a

grip on his shoulder.

“Give us a shot, would ya?”

“I said I would. See you next week, yeah?”

“Sure thing. See you then, John.”


The client pulls the door open and steps out into the lobby. The door shuts behind him. He crumples up

the business card he was given from a friend two weeks ago and shoves it into his mouth, eating it.

Pressing the ground floor button the elevator, he gets in as the doors close in front of him. The ding of

the doors opening cause his sight to shift upwards as he stepped on.

The doors shut as he heads downstairs.


She walked in the door, shutting the door behind her lightly. The smooth spring breeze caused

the curtains to do a little dance behind her as she tossed the mail on the table. Underneath the stack of

bills was something she had received for months, but never opened. She had been getting these letters

in the mail periodically, almost like they were aligned to arrive on the 1st and 15th. Very rarely did they

come later than that, and if they did it was only about a day or two. Expert planning in the COVID era

of slow mail delivery, it seemed.

It was impossible, anyways. It was clearly a prank, after all. A sick one, to be clear. To send a

widow of three years letters from her long dead husband was twisted in a way she couldn’t begin to

process. The only reason she held on to them was for the “what if?” Maybe some day she would get the

courage to rip them open and see what this sick fuck was trying to do, but for now, she didn’t have the

strength to do so.

Her blonde hair run ragged from the daily grind, working sixty hour weeks to make ends meet.

Joseph didn’t have any life insurance policies in place at the time of his passing. They were married

young, and to be fair nobody expected his life to be cut short at the age of 28. It wasn’t like he had

a dangerous profession like a police officer or firefighter, it was genetic. They say heart disease is the

silent killer, and unfortunately he fell victim to it.

Karina brushed the hair out of her face and took a deep breath. She could almost feel a deep

scream come out of her when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked behind her but didn’t see

anybody. She chalked it up to stress and rose up out of the wooden chair tucked into the dining room

table, littered with bills and celebrity gossip magazines. The magazines helped her escape the madness

of her own life. It was easy to be amused and even entertained by the lives of those who were meant to

be glamorous. The scandals, the dirty smear headlines, the Hollywood feuds that meant nothing in the

grand scheme of things.

A welcome distraction.

Walking towards the kitchen she cracked open the fridge and reached for a bottle of green tea.

Always striving for health over wealth wasn’t working for her at this point, but it’s all she had ever

known. The pile of bills scattered across her table in the adjacent room. Again, a tap on the shoulder as

she put the bottle to her lips just after cracking it open. This time, a whisper accompanied the tap.

Karina,” in the softest voice she had ever heard. It sounded like safety, it sounded like warmth, it

sounded like a hug. The bottle of tea splashed off of the floor and she jumped back, banging her waist

off of the kitchen counter directly behind her. Panic mode set in and she ran towards the door, twisting

the handle but to no avail.

Whatever was in here with her wasn’t letting her out of the house, but in the back of her mind

was comfort. Maybe it was Joseph. She thought to herself that it couldn’t be, the voice she heard was a

woman. A soothing voice. She walked slowly back towards the kitchen, very weary of the surroundings

she had called home for the last three plus years.

Something in her told her to clear the table of every bill she had and rip open the very first letter

from Joseph. She sat at the table, light tears streaming down her delicate face. She wasn’t prepared for

this moment, but maybe she was. She had put this off for 18 months. A letter every two weeks.

“Yes,” the voice whispered as she reached for the very first envelope. Her hands shuttered as

she picked it up and removed the top of the envelope.


July has never been our month. In fact, if we’re being honest, there’s sections of the year where

we have to be our “best selves.” If you’ve been where I’ve been you know exactly what I’m talking

about. Every couple has a three month stretch where things are awful, it’s unavoidable. Ours happen

to be May through July. Devastating.

I’ve caught myself half jokingly saying I’d rather be in a Chinese torture rack than fight with

him on any level. I don’t have to tell you that it’s a losing battle. Life happens. When life happens, you

need to have a plan, but most people don’t. Let me rephrase that. When life happens to everybody else,

you don’t have a plan. Our dynamic is very different. Not in a bad way, to be clear. It’s just I’ve learned

to expect the unexpected, to never comprehend exactly what is up with him today. I sound like an

abused wife to my friends and family, but it’s not like that at all.

Well, ‘at all,’ would be a stretch. If I said he never put his hands on me in that way I would be

lying. But they don’t get us. They don’t get what makes us, us. They will never understand what makes

us tick like I do, and how can I expect them to? They don’t live my life. They don’t live our life. They

are guarded from it. They only hear the bad. It’s something innate in me that doesn’t like to share our

good times, the great 98% we share. It may be my victim complex, even if unintentional.

Have we fought, physically? Yes.

Is it every day? No.

Do I initiate more than half of it? Yes.

The drugs play a role, of course. I can’t say no to him. All he cares about is my happiness and

whether he perceives me as happy, whether he sees a smile on my face. He thinks it’s all about drugs.

It’s not. I do not love him any more and haven’t for some time. I love his company, he is my honest to

God best friend. I’d be lost without him, but I don’t want this anymore. I wish I did. I wish I was still

enamored with his spirit, his face, his love, his gestures. There was a time that I would have done

anything in this world to be in his arms. Now, I can’t look at his face without wanting to spit in it.

I know this makes me an awful person. I would not deny that to God himself. I have been

emotionally cheating on him with multiple others. I haven’t crossed that particular line as of yet, but

the urge is there. I can’t help it. It’s not that I hate him, I don’t. I’m just unable to let go of some things,

and he knows it. He sees a difference in me, he just doesn’t know exactly what it is. To his credit, our

relationship is and always has been built on trust and me speaking honestly, and I haven’t been doing

that as of late.

It’s out of necessity. Survival. He makes me happy, he provides for me, he’s my best friend. I

feel selfish. I feel incredibly selfish, what else could I ask for? He’s everything I could ever want and

ask for, so why am I not satisfied? I should be. I ask, want and need for nothing. He always tells me he

loves me more than he loves himself. From anybody else, those are just words. From him, its a

promise. He means every syllable. Every consonant, every vowel. Every noun and verb, down to his


I wish I was better. He deserves the best of me and I don’t have it in me to give it. I want to. It’s

not a matter of want, it’s a matter of will. I can’t do this. It’s overwhelming. He makes up for every

thing he’s ever done, ten fold. I just can’t let go, and I don’t know why. I know one thing, though. I’m

right where I belong.

And he doesn’t even know it. Lucky me.


“So, what have you learned?”

John sat up from his laid back position on the couch, gripping the dirty sand colored couch arms

to pull himself up before addressing his therapist. He opened his mouth as if a dam was about to roll

out, but quickly corrected course before he demeaned his character.

“You take my money and send me home with homework.” He chuckled to himself ahead of

speaking to him directly. “What’s your name again, doc?”

“Williams. Paul Williams. We have been scheduling your session for months before you every

stepped into the room, you don’t know my name?”

John robbed his facial hair and sprung towards the front of the couch, still sitting, hands now

on his knees, looking down at the floor.

“You admiring the carpeting again? I’ll get rid of it, if it means getting you to a healthy place.

I’m not fucking around, John. I think you are my most….,” Paul sat back for a moment, making the

finger pyramid around his lips before speaking further. “I think you are my most damaged, hurt


“Will you please stop fucking call me that?”

“Calling you what exactly?”

“A fucking client. You see this stupid fucking picture behind you? The giraffe grazing around a

god damn barn? It makes no fucking sense, Paul. None. Zero. Why the fuck is a giraffe hanging out at

a farm? Please tell me, go ahead.”

“Well why don’t you tell me why he is somewhere he doesn’t belong. You said it yourself. He

doesn’t belong there, right? I’m not gonna lead you into any thoughts, so go ahead. Tell me what that

means to you.”

“What it means to me? He doesn’t belong, what else is there to say? I already said it. Giraffes

historically do not chill on a farm, dude.”

So what does that make you?”

John rolled back into the couch with a look of disappointment on his face, gripping the leather

edges of the couch. “So, to be clear, you see as a fucking giraffe?” He rose up from the chair and

gestured that he was over the entire process before Paul cut him off.

“Sit down and allow me to explain myself. Please,” Paul gestured back, his arms open,

welcoming him to sit back on the therapy couch. “John, you need to stop taking everything so

personally. This is part of the process. I have to poke and prod, I have to figure you out. Allow that

to happen.” John rustled around the cushions, visibly uncomfortable.

“John, relax. You are taking it as an insult, it’s not. Listen to me. You aren’t a giraffe, but

you are a giraffe. You are the giraffe. You are him but not in the way you think.”

“So he’s a he? A boy? How do you know that?”

John gazes back at the portrait, taking in the reds, browns and spots on his neck. Paul

spouts back, why does it matter? For right now, in this moment, for all intents and purposes, the

giraffe is named John, and he is you, you get me?”

John shook his head no, and again stood up as if he was about to leave.

“This is stupid, Mr Williams. You’re telling me I’m a fucking giraffe. I’m this close,” gesturing

towards his impeccable hairline, “to walking out the mother fucking door. You’re supposed to help me

work through this and you’re comparing me to an animal.”

“I did no such thing. You said he doesn’t belong there. You don’t belong here either. Am I


John paced around the room for a couple of seconds before sitting back down on the couch.

So, you see what I see? In myself?”

Paul shot back, “this place isn’t yours and we both know it. The question here is, why can’t

anybody else? You’re the giraffe, but where do you belong, John?”

John sat forward, head in his hands, tears streaming down his face.

“I don’t fucking know, but I don’t want to be a giraffe.”

“You’re not a giraffe.”

“I’m the giraffe. Thee fucking giraffe.”

“That’s how you see yourself?”

“You have helped me more than anybody else, so I’ll be honest with you. I’m the

giraffe. I’m the god damn giraffe.”

Paul sat up a bit in his recliner and threw his notes beside him on the desk. “So are you ready to

get to fucking work, or are we still playing games here?” Paul grabbed the check that John had tossed

on his desk upon entering his office, and ripped it in half.

“Your money means nothing here. Take my hand.” Paul stretched out his open palm, awaiting

John to accept it and embrace.


She ripped open the envelope and threw it on the floor out of fear. Instinctively, she knew that

whatever was inside was not something she was prepared for. Tears streamed down her face as she

buried her head into her lap, crying. Her sadness dripping on to her jeans, wet spots dropping by the


“it’s too much, it’s too much to deal with, it’s too much,” repeating the phrase over and over

until again, a tap on the shoulder. She let out a scream that emanated deep within the bowels of her

soul. Turning around, she seen nothing behind her but the wind playing with the curtains behind her

from the open window. Her plants twisted in the wind as if they had a supporting role on Broadway.

Nothing but wind.

She paced around back and forth, putting her hand on the beige wall to think things over. She

was convinced she was losing her mind. There was no other explanation. Taps on the shoulder, letters

from her late husband, she looked down at the hard wood floor and cried some more. This time out of

despair more than sadness. She was totally lost. Lost and alone wasn’t a feeling she was used to. She

always had Joseph to depend on, and for the first time in two and a half years, his absence hit her hard.

The taps on the shoulder subsided and accelerated to more of a push, a shove in the small of her

back. Whatever, whoever it was, wanted her attention and she knew it. She turned once more and

shouted, “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!,” at such a level she could feel the energy shift in

front of her face. Rage. The mood switched, and when it did, she revealed herself.

A stoic woman, slender and tall appeared seemingly out of nowhere. She extended her hand to

introduce herself, but Karina took a step back, visibly shaken. She had never seen this woman in her

life, and there she stood, in her dining room where many memories were made between her and Joseph.

She tried to speak but words could not be uttered. She was taken aback by her presence itself, and

finally the mysterious woman spoke.

“You know who I am, yes?”

“No,” Karina said, again taking a step back away from her.

The woman took one step towards her and again extended her hand as a gesture of openness,

and once more, Karina took one back.

“Be not afraid of me, I am no enemy. I am a friend, I have been with you your entire life. On the

day you got married, I was in the first pew. On the day of your Confirmation, I knelt with you. When

your mother died, I held your hand and every time you were lost I guided you home. I know you well,

Karina Michelle Salton.”

Her full name being spoken by someone, or something she had never seen took her breath away.

In front of her stood an olive skinned woman, beads around her neck, shells around both wrists. A black

band held them both together.

“My name is Sasha and I have been with you since birth, for every bad thing and every good

one. I was assigned to you over 437 years ago, and I’m tired of dancing with you in the shadows. It’s

time to graduate, do you understand?”

Karina shook her head no.

“Sit. Pull up a chair and listen to me. I don’t like repeating myself so listen well.”

Karina apprehensively took a seat and looked down at the letters spread across the table and let

out a small shriek before throwing her arms at them, tossing them on the floor.

“Now why you go and do that? Now you got a whole ass mess… you know what? It’s your

mess, it ain’t mine. Which means by extension it ain’t my fucking problem. You mind if I smoke in

here?,” she asked as she pulled out a brand new pack of cigars. Reaching into her gray cloak, she

pulled out a BIC lighter and sparked the cigar almost instantaneously. The smell wasn’t of a normal

cigar, but a mixture of a small hint of marijuana and sage.

Sasha pounded the table with her first, shaking not only the table itself but the dreadlocks from

her head as well.

“Now you know why I’m here, don’t you?”

Karina shook her head no and stood up from the chair, pacing back and forth before shouting,

What the fuck do you want from me?!” Prompting Sasha again to extend her hand.

“Take my hand and follow me. I will show you everything.”

Karina reached back for the first time and they both dissipated into thin air, leaving an empty

room behind, bills and letters scattered across the floor. The wind sent the curtains into a frenzy, doing

a small number along the base boards. Nothing but silence was heard throughout the room. A knock at

front door sent the dining room into a tail spin, every letter, every bill as if it was in a hurricane. The

energy had shifted.


Waking up every day in a panic. Same as every other day. I wake up in the same room.

But I know she’s in the next room over. This isn’t the same place. I can’t believe I was panicking ten

minutes ago. I gotta pee. My body is so stiff but I don’t got any bruises, though. I know I swim when I

sleep, but it’s not always pleasant. Sometimes I wake up feeling like went to war with myself in my


In the same position to be clear.

in my sleep. Another trip to the bathroom, another long journey.

“Oh hello there, ain’t you a little pretty ugly thang,” I said which I guess could be described as a

southern drawl. “I picked that up in Virginia.” I talk to myself, and? Act like you don’t. Oh damn.

Here we fucking go. “Good morning to you, you ugly ass,” she said directed towards the upstairs

window. Again, awoken in the morning by her neighbor, Alexander. She felt the soil around her plants

to check to see if they needed to be tended to. The apartment building was something of a sanctuary for

her. A revolving door of side characters who came and left as quick as they pushed their way in.

Temporary people. Annoying if we’re being honest. She looked up at the ceiling and had a brief

moment in the past. That’s common place for me. I used to be scared of it but I just accept it now. I like

to look at it as I’m traveling through time, because in that moment, I am fucking there. I feel it. I know


I am still dealing with hospital anxiety. Every time I look up, I am reminded of my own

personal hell. The funny thing is if you had to guess what my anchor was, you’d never know, and I

ain’t ever telling.

“Well good morning to you to too, Darrel, with your stanky ass cigarettes. I do need his help

today though, damn. I looked over at my crutch, that I know is exactly that, a crutch. My whole life

feels like a metaphor, or some kind of twisted joke. Everything always circles back.

Alright, let me call this bastard. You know what, let me chill. He always looks out for me,

he ain’t ever been a bastard to me. Shit, we haven’t even really ever had it out like that now that

I think about it. Well, there was one time. We had it out over him and his girl, actually. I don’t even

know why I’m thinking about this, HA! Probably because I’m about to call his ass and say good


Anyway, what had happened was, him and his girl got into it. I mean, really got into it.

You get what I mean by that I hope cause I ain’t going no further with that one. So anyways, she

got kicked out and this bitch ass mother fucker who lives above me refused to pay her way home so

I had to do it. He told me he didn’t have the money and I knew he was lying anyways, he was just

deep in his feelings. I’m saying though, like Michael Phelps Olympic pool in his feelings, so I had to

check his ass right quick. I told him straight up, you better give me my money back cause if we’re

being realistic, that’s my girl now. I paid her way, did I not? Oh that’s right I did, that’s my bitch now.

When I tell you he ran that paper back within seconds of me hanging up that day, I ain’t playing

with you one bit. Anyway. Fuck! Where is my god damn phone at? Oh shit, ok. I forget my power

sometimes. I’ll get into that later, though. I reached for my phone that was on my work desk to the right ‘

of me and pulled up his number.

“Good mornin’”


“You always gotta say that, switch it up.”

“That shit bothers you though?”

“Shit, kind of. Anyways, I need a favor, come see me, doll.”

“You gotta gimme a few, I’m in the middle of something.”

“Middle of what? An 8 ball? You better get your ass down here right now.”

He sighed cause he knew he couldn’t say no.

“I’ll be right there.”

I hung the phone up with a smile like the Cheshire cat. He had no idea the journey he was about

to go on. I’m gonna fix him once and for all. Rock with me. I’ll see ya’ll soon.


She hiked up the mountain, looking down at her phone, which she turned to airplane mode. It

was just something she did to avoid being disturbed in a place that felt like home. It felt natural to be

here, and she believed she knew why. Peace live here. It was like being hugged by the most loving

spirit in the world. Imagine the day after you drop ecstasy. On top of the world, confident, not

questioning a single thing in the world no matter what you’re going through. 

That was it, the feeling. The one we all chase, the one fake churches sell to desperate people looking 

for inner peace. Chasing it is always better than having it, and she knew that too.

She wasn’t always this person, she used to be the party girl. You know, the girl you could call

on at the drop of a hat offering any drug you could muster, and she’d be there ten minutes later? That

girl. Self care and therapy were the reasons she cited when people asked, but in her soul she knew it

was all her. Her commitment, her drive.

Her dirty blonde her briefly waved in her face, causing her to push it back into place for a

second before reaching into her back pocket for a black hairband, wrapping a ponytail within seconds.

A brief flash came over her, taking her back to roughly five years ago, when she was ‘that girl,’ Visions

of bright lights, being escorted to the toilet to vomit and a guy who she knew was attracted to but

couldn’t remember his name. She turned towards her friend, handing her drink to monitor while she

away before she snapped back to the hike she was on. She stumbled a bit, rocking her head from side to

side, acting like she was shaking some cobwebs loose within her head.

Suddenly, a tap on the shoulder.

“Lauraina! Are you ok? I was having a conversation with a brick wall for about two minutes.

You totally zoned out. Are you good?”

She took a deep breath and smiled her beautiful smile, which she faked, as she always did

to get out of undesirable situations. She looked back at him, watching him size up her slender figure

which actually disgusted her. “I’m fine,” she shot back, “just got lost in my thoughts.”

“Oh, okay I guess. I didn’t think you had anything in there,” he said with a sheepishly

jerk kind of smile. She did the same back, sizing him up. His ripped jeans, his bald head, his unkempt

beard. She didn’t even know why she was with this guy. She deserved better and she knew it, but time

and comfortably can be a real mother fucker. That’s what she chalked it up to. The breeze picked up,

the sky darkened like there was a storm coming within minutes, causing her to leave what she was

about to say back for later.

“We should get going, you know what that means,” pointing up to the slate gray sky above them

both. He nodded in agreement before insulting her again, even if unintentionally. “You knew this was a

stupid idea before we ever headed out here. We have an appointment this evening and you want to go


Lauraina looked back at him, before scoping out the area and admiring the forest green leaves

twisting in the wind.

“You really wanna be an asshole right now, dude? I’m the only one who knows the way back

and you’re gonna do this?” She plopped down next to her baby blue backpack and pulled out a

thermal bottle of water. “I got all day, Gavin. Why you’re fucking with me right now is beyond me, but

let’s do this. Sit down next to me.”

Gavin paced around the high grass and let out a visceral growl. “You always, always, always

fucking do this.”

“I do it? How in the… excuse me, how did you reach that conclusion?”

“Lauraina…. Can we please, for the love of God and everything holy pack our shit up and


“Nope. We can’t. Sit down.” The wind picked up fiercely, as if her anger was dictating the

gusts themselves. “You’re really make me do this to you, because you won’t be honest with me? You

are literally the biggest joke I ever played on myself. I’m so fu--- I’m so stupid.”

This caused him to sit down next to her.

“Fine. What is it? What I do that is so fucking awful? I’m dying to know.”

Another tap on her shoulder. She turned to look at Gavin and let him know she heard him,

but when she turned her head, she was no longer in the woods. She was no longer with Gavin, but she

didn’t panic. She felt comfortable.

She felt comfortable in the waiting room of the therapists office. Out walked John,

surprised to see her. He tipped his cap to her regardless, and wished her well.

The doctor came out, scanning the room, acting like she wasn’t the only one in the room.

“Well then. Guess it’s your turn. Lauraina, right? Come on in.”


Peering around the waiting room, he noticed a woman who wasn’t there just a second ago, or

so it seemed. John wanted to make a comment about it but was taken aback by her beauty. For the first

time in his life he couldn’t come up with a wise crack about it or her. Suddenly, the door swung open,

his therapist standing in the doorway. “John? Ah, there you are Lauraina,” he said with a smile, “we’ve

been expecting you. Just sit tight, grab a magazine there, we’ll be with you shortly.”

The door shut without John even stepping through it. He didn’t get much sleep last night,

and he couldn’t blame the medication, because he flushed it as soon as he got home.

“Oh, are you experiencing a time loss, John? We’ve been trying to get your attention for the

past hour. You completely ruined Lauraina’s time with me, you should really apologize.”

John bit back, “you should apologize to me, god damn it. Take that fucking giraffe picture down

now. I ain’t no giraffe, you’re really pissing me off with this thing, dude.” Lauraina gave him a

glimpse, and then back to the doctor, “ what is he talking about?”

“Behind you, there,” he instructed.

Lauraina first pulled herself around to see it, inspect it, and unload on John.

“Wait, why the fuck is a gir… I can swear here, right?”

Dr. Williams nodded in approval.

Pointing at the painting, she shouted, “So why the FUCK is a giraffe on a god damn

farm?” She definitely needed that outlet to shoot that anger out of her.

John sat up from his recliner he had sat down on less than a minute prior, shoved his

arms out in front of himself and yelled, “Exactly!”

“Don’t get too excited, you piece of shit. Bastard. Mother fucker!! You ruined my entire

fucking hour!” John started to scramble into his back pocket for his wallet and offered to paycheck

for the hour, and then some. “I’ll give you, well,” he paused to thumb through his cash, “four hundred

dollars to forgive me for this. I didn’t hear a thing, I promise.”

Her neck twisted to the side ever so slightly, her hair dangling across her shoulders, “Keep

it. But come out with me, let’s go grab a drink.” The therapist tried to intervene and reason with the

both of them about how this was a horrible idea.

“Says the guy with a phD, supposedly, with a giraffe painting hanging out with Old McDonald,

dude, shut the fuck up. You said I can swear in here!”

Dr Williamson took a step back when Lauriana raised her arm, maybe out of experience or fear.

Yeah, you can!”

“Thanks for the permission, fuck you, pal. See ya next week. That’s the game we play over here

right? She grabbed John by the arm and lead him out the door before slamming it shut. Dr. Williamson

yelled something about how they were ruining everything, but she didn’t care. Her more than him, to

be honest. Lauriana mashed the elevator buttons until they pushed open. As they stepped inside, and the

doors shut, she looked John in the eyes and asked if he was ready for what came next. His eyes told

the story, but he shook his head yes.

An unwilling participant to astral projection.


She requested a booth as the short and slender, brunette waitress grabbed two menus after

Lauraina confirmed back it was only a party of two. Billy Joel played on the jukebox as they were

seated, to the vocal dismay of John. An audible grunt of disgust accompanied a shake of his head just

before he slid into his side of the booth.

“So, what can we start you with,” asked the waitress whose name tag read ‘STACI.’

John answered with a double shot of Evan Williams. “So much better than Jack.”

“Yeah, what he said, but can I grab a side of ginger ale with mine?”

John looked kind of surprised, “didn’t expect that.”

The waitress scurried away to grab their drinks. John was checking her out she walked off

towards the bar.

“I’m Irish,” she said with a slight giggle. “Twenty bucks says I can out drink you,” she

challenged, digging into her purse for a twenty dollar bill to place on the table.

The walls by their booth were decorated with old actors and actresses, entertainers, singers,

there wasn’t a person on the establishment’s décor who was not a household name. Photos of

Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin giving a cheers before downing a martini. Marilyn Monroe posing

on the edge of a bar top with a white dress.

“You think this shit on the walls, is it tacky?”

She rolled her eyes, “nope, but way to avoid the bet.”

Wasn’t avoiding, was trying to get your attention of me eyeing the waitress’ ass. Anywho,

yeah, I’m in. I’ll drink you under the table.”

if I had a dollar for every time I heard that one,” she shot back.

Before she could finish her sentence, John was digging in his pocket to place a dollar on the

red oak table. “Now you do,” he said with a half-laugh. The waitress approached with their drinks and

placed them in front of John and Lauraina each.

“That’ll be it for now,” she said, “we’re only drinking tonight. We have somewhere to be.”

John glanced back with a confused look on his face, “we do?”

“Just wait to see what I have planned for you.”

He chuckled and took a sip of his drink, “should I be scared?”

“You tell me,” licking the corner of her lips, soaking up every drop of the shot she just drank



An hour had passed and they were still at the booth with tacky décor. The conversation was

consistent and humorous, John was impressed. He never had a connection like this right off the bat in

this life, or any other. Well, he took that back, saying that assumed they didn’t have a forever

connection spanning several lifetimes. He imagined being her husband while she served over a

kingdom that was the envy of the world. All she required was him to wave and be friendly to her

public. Nothing more and nothing less. Just as he was about to venture off to another lifetime she

banged on the table with a closed fist.

“Hey!” You’re up. We’re tied, 7-7. I think I’m winning.”

He snapped back to reality and played it off like he was just daydreaming, which technically

speaking, he was. Reaching for the clear shot glass filled with the golden elixir, he tipped it back and

took it down. “Going down like water, you’re in trouble now.” He reached for the next one, he assumed

while he was spaced out that Lauraina went extra hard and ordered a dozen shots. Drinking one more

and slamming the glass down, letting out a satisfying, “ahhh.”

“I’m in the lead now,” John remarked.

“You are, and luckily for you, you’ll stay there for a few minutes. I gotta go to the bathroom,

you want to accompany me?”

“Sure. Let’s go.”

Lauraina first scooted out of the booth, John was next out. They rose up to their feet and

collected themselves and their balance.

“You good?”

“Yeah. I’ve been here before,” Lauraina said. John reached for the middle of her back and lead

her towards the signs that directed patrons to the restrooms. They walked past a big crowd at a table,

cracking jokes about a business deal they had just closed. He disdained people like this, loathed them.

He never understood why they did this, a whole pack of businessmen acting like commoners. It was

almost like they were rubbing the nine to five crowd, the working people’s face. If it wasn’t for his

company he would have said something to them. He thought back to his past life.

Friendly to the public, no matter who they may be. They arrived at the restroom and Lauraina

turned to him before entering.

“Tell me everything you know about mirrors.”

“What? I don’t know. Vampires can’t see their reflection in them. Humans can. That’s about it.”

She bent over in laughter.

“Come in with me, I have to show you something.”

“What? Are you some kind of sicko? Why would I do that? You want people to think I’m some

kind of freak?”

“I’m being serious. Besides, you’re allowed in there. Obama said so, remember?”

It wasn’t too often that a woman got a laugh out of him, but she pulled it off. She grabbed his

hand and pulled the handle, pushing the door open. Following her lead, the door slammed behind them

both. Her hand still in his they stared into the mirror together.

“I really have to show you this. Do you trust me, John?”

He paused for a moment and shook his head yes while vocalizing it as well.

“I’m so glad to hear that. I think you’re ready. Go put your arms on the sink, relax yourself

neck and take a deep look into your eyes. Tell me what you see.”

He did as he was told, just as he had in his past live, or lives with her. Trust wasn’t an easy thing

for John, but for whatever reason he believed her. He believed in them. The brown ceramic wall tiles

began to fade around him and the only thing in the room that he acknowledged was his own reflection,

the hazel of his eyes. As he got lost in them, he felt a rush of warmth run down from his wrist, dripping

to the floor.

“Roll with it, ignore it,” Lauraina said, razor in hand, crouching up from underneath the sink.

She had slit his wrist the long way, causing him to bleed profusely until he could stand no more. As he

fell to the floor softly, she caught his head to make sure it was as painless as possible.

“You have to trust me. It has to be this way. I’ll be back for you, I love you. I always have.”

She closed the door behind her, walked back to their table and left a twenty dollar tip for Staci.

As she reached the door, she pushed it open, the wind chimes above the door singing as she left the



Sasha escorted her into a world eerily similar to her own, but very different than the one she had

left behind. The walls were painted differently, but the dimensions were the same. There were slight

changes that only should would know. The paint was a different shade of blue, but barely. This place

had a cerulean blue shade, while the place Karina had left had donned a baby blue paint job. To the

untrained eye, they would be the same, but cerulean blue was just a tad lighter. It was perfect. It looked

like the sky on a day you’d plan a beach trip and a picnic.

Sitting on the now pink sheets, which were previously navy blue, Sasha glanced over at Karina

with a side eye, waiting for her to become accustomed to her new surroundings.

“You good now, baby doll?”

Karina placed her hands on her head, as if she mimicking Psyduck. She rolled around on the

hardwood floor, looking up at Sasha, who was lighting another cigar. “Fuck. It feels like I got slammed

on to the floor and hit by an eighteen wheeler, and there you are. Just A-fucking OK, smoking some

kind of joint or whatever it is you do.”

Inhaling and then speaking, Sasha said, “maybe that’s how it went. It used to be that way for

me too. You ain’t special.”

Putting her hands on the floor behind her back to help her raise up from the floor, she let out a

groan. “You’re supposed to be my friend and you talk to me like that? Some friend you are.”

Sasha almost choked on her smoke. “I ain’t say shit about your friend. I am your guide. I’m

tired. In fact, Karina, I’m sick too.”

With a concerned tone, Karina asked, “you’re sick? Sick how?”

“Sick and tired of seeing you fuck up, bitch. You don’t ever listen.”

Karina stood up and started pacing around the bedroom. “How am I supposed to listen to you?

I’ve never MET you!”

“Sit down next to me right here, hit this while I tell you a short story. Don’t be scared. I ain’t

gonna slap you, even though I should.” That made Karina giggle and opened her trust up a bit, causing

her sit next to her, and eventually lay back. She apologized for doing so, “I’m sorry. I’m so tired. It

feels like jet lag. I feel like from here to China on a non stop flight.”

Holding out her cigar, Sasha demanded, “take it. I got a story to tell.”

Apprehensively, Karina took the smoke stick and looked at it, twirling it around her fingers. “I

don’t really do this.” Sasha gave her a dismissive look, causing her to take a hit without even saying a


“Ha! So we just gonna erase college, huh? You know, what never mind, back to what we were

talking about. So you said I never spoke to you. I shouldn’t have to. You really have no idea how our

relationship is supposed to work, so let me break it down for you. I show you signs, you’re supposed to

see them. You never do though, and you never have. I don’t get it. I’ve been assigned to you for

hundreds of years. You are easily the most difficult soul I’ve ever had to work with. Do you realize

I’ve worked with starlets, musicians, actors… none as difficult as you. Now…”

Karina sat up from her laid back position and attempted to ask a question.

“Excuse me, I ain’t done.” The sunlight just protruded through the window, causing a

reflection to show up on the floor right below it. “Sorry, I kinda got sidetracked there,” Sasha said.

There was once a man,”

“Oh god,” Karina sighed.

“If you’re gonna be like that, gimme that back.”

“No, I’m sorry. Go. Go on,” Karina bounced back, hitting the blunt.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” causing a sarcastic snicker from Karina.

“There once was a man who fell victim to a flood. He climbed up the attic and made his

way onto the roof. He sat up there for days. Days and days, we are talking like, about a week. No

food, no clean water, nothing. Just him and his dog he carried out the attic window and up onto

the roof. The third day he was up there, they sent a boat to get him. He screamed to them, ‘don’t

worry about me, God has got me!’ The fifth day they sent another, and he said the same. The sixth day

they sent a helicopter, and he said the same. They all left his ass right where he was, and on the seventh

day he was up there, both him and his dog had died. The water got too high, he drowned on the roof.”

Karina, hitting it one more looked back at her, side eyed and glossy eyed, “what the fuck

is that supposed to mean?”

“Girl, first of all, you better pass that shit back, secondly, you missed it didn’t you?”

Passing it back, coughing slightly, Karina said through a cough, or tried to that she had

missed the point.

“Damn, Karina. I really thought you were smarter than that. The point is,” ashing on the

floor before she was cut off by Karina. “Do NOT ash on my floor.”

Sasha looked back at her with a look that could kill, “it ain’t your floor, it’s mine. Secondly,

the floor is mine to explain the point to your blind ass self.” Karina laid back, sprawling on the bed.

My point is, you have been sitting here asking, damn near begging for signs when they’ve been in

front of you this whole time. How many I gotta send you? You require me to take human form and

break this down to you, in your language? It should have never come to this, baby girl. You ain’t

stupid, and we both know it.” As soon as she finished her sentence she deaded the blunt and stood to

her feet.

“Come with me.”

“Come with you where?”

“That matters now? It didn’t matter where we went but now it matters where we go,” she said

before finishing her sentence with a loud LOL, spoken aloud. “Girl, get your ass up, you gotta go talk

to Sara.”

Karina stood up, finally noticing her hair was in tendrils, wearing loose fitting white clothing.

She was confused but just rolled with it. She had learned her lesson when it came to questioning Sasha,

she would never get a clear answer, and only got scolded for asking what it meant. “Alright, show me


“It doesn’t work like that.”

“Oh, Christ. What do I have to do, open my heart to the love of the almighty Sara? I give

myself over to my lord and savior, Sara? This is crazy, where the fuck am I?

Sasha chuckled and looked her dead in her eyes, “which one do you want me to answer first?

Because the answer to one is, ‘exactly, and the other is not exactly. Actually, let’s keep it like this, it’ll

be fun.”

“It was literally a joke…,” Karina said.

“So was your life before this, now come here.” Karina didn’t find the comment funny, but

Sasha did. She lead the way, Karina right behind her, twisting the door handle and kicking the bottom

of the door to open it.

They stepped into the kitchen, which again was exactly like hers, except the paint was indigo

blue. The realization caused her to take a step back, which in turn caused Sasha to allow her to step in

front of her.

“Oh, we ain’t playing this game, you first then.”

Karina gave her a look back, rolling her eyes slightly.

“And we ain’t doing that either. Go forward and trust me. You see that door ahead of you?”

She did, it was her closet in the other place. The place where she would place her plastic bags

for any reason whatsoever. Sasha had to gently shove her back towards the door.

“Knock like you’re at a speakeasy. An identifiable knock.”

She followed her words, and knocked a patdadapatpatpatpat.

“Wait, who is Sara to you?”

“You pick a bad time to ask a question like that,” she said as the door opened. “She’s

like my boss.”

Karina took a deep breath and stumbled into what she always knew as a closet.


It’s been over a week. I don’t hate you any less. I feel like I have to convince myself to do so.

It’s unfair to both of us, really. More so you than me. I’m the one putting roadblocks in your way. My

hair is so long now. This journal is probably my most prized possession. It’s all of me. If God forbid

there was ever a fire and I could save one thing, it would be this. It means just as much as you do. I

know, that sounds silly, ridiculous, however you want to put it. I guess that makes me a hypocrite,

doesn’t it?

Oh, well. I’ve been worse than that. I’ve been called a number of four and five letter words, but

never a nine letter one. Bitch. Whore. Slut. Cunt. Never a hypocrite, or even a liar. I am a liar, I just do

it well enough to where I’m never questioned about it. A skill or a habit? Does it even matter? It’s just

as bad no matter the reasoning. It’s a sin, isn’t it? A lying tongue hates it’s victims, and a flattering

mouth works ruin. Proverbs 26:28. If that’s the case, half the world, maybe even three quarters of this

hellscape we inhabit is living in it as well. I don’t even care.

I’m the type of girl to make you break up with your boyfriend just because she has you and I

don’t, knowing I don’t even like you in that way. Only sometimes though, it really depends. It depends

on how bored I am, or if I’m in a relationship. Speaking of, you really infuriate me. I haven’t talked to

you in months, or at least it felt like it.

I wish I hadn’t killed you. I told that’s exactly what I came here to do, and you laughed at me,

Like I was a fucking joke, a god damn punchline to you. You fell asleep next to me, like you trusted

me, even after all of it. You had it coming, right? Everything you did, everything you put me through.

Even through all of that, I wish I didn’t. Digging that hole took a week. As of today I’m 5’2, 114

pounds. It felt like I was lifting Mount Olympus with every scoop of dirt. I read something once, it

was a joke, I think.

The guy in the video detailed how to get away with murder if it ever came down to it. He

said to bury an animal two feet above where you put the corpse, so when the police send the cadaver

dogs they would smell the animal and not the human. You bury a person eight feet deep, with the

animal at six. I wish I wasn’t blind to it all, numbed. The drugs accomplish that at least. Obviously

it’s not healthy, but it’s what I need right now.

I twirl my hair around my fingers, looking at the split ends and not really caring too much at

the moment, they’re just kinda there. My thoughts are all over the place, but what do you expect out

of me here? I’ve been through it, and that’s not me throwing a pity party for myself, that’s just being


I heard a gentle knock at my door, it was probably the neighbor boy who always flirts with

me. He’s very endearing, but he’s only sixteen years old. I don’t even view him that way, but

perception is reality in our world. The voice in my head came back to nudge me into having lunch

with the kid. I slammed my foot to the floor to tell them I was in control. They had no say here, not

anymore. It’s a fucked up spot that I’m in, I’m sure others have been there too, but I’ve never met

someone who has ever told me that their thoughts aren’t their own. That’s what I go through every day.

Every single one. Literally there is not a day that goes by where I’m not being pushed into something

I don’t want to to. I’m not saying every thought is a bad one, but they’re not mine, which means in turn

that they’re not authentic. The only ones that are mine, and the ones about you, and how fucking

fucked is that?

Haunted by our good times and the bad ones. The good ones might be worse because it makes

me remember everything you made me take away from not only you, but me. Twisting the knife in

chest, the shock on your face, the blood dripping from your mouth felt orgasmic. I felt above it all,

above the heavens, above you. I never counted on losing you, taking you, however you want to word it,

would devastate me in this way. Clearly I loved you, I gave you everything I had, even when I didn’t

have it to give, and it still wasn’t enough. Never enough to satisfy you, right? No, never. All I can do is

keep trying. You reminded me of those ancient ruins they’d find in the middle of the jungle where they

would sacrifice people to appease the Gods.

I guess in the end that’s what I’m doing here, isn’t it? There is no amount of blood I won’t spill,

no throat I won’t cut in order to get you back in my life. I would move mountains, I would sacrifice

entire villages, I would slaughter civilizations to hold you once more. I’d give myself for it, and

everything I ever was and will be. You told me three months ago we were a forever thing. You better

hope and pray that you meant it, because I believed you. She draped her bare right palm across her

chest, right in the middle and repeated out loud, “I pledge allegiance to you and this calling. It lives

here. I know you are yearning to be fed. I promise you, my Lord, this is the last time you ever

experience hunger pains.”

She side stepped into the frame of the mirror that was inside the bathroom just one doorway

over. She dug into her chest with her long, white nails. With every inch they broke the skin, they got

sharper and more strong. She laughed to herself and she tore her chest apart, right above her breast

plate. Blood circled around her breasts and soaked into her white pajama top. She laughed with a

sinister pervasiveness, like she was watching a Sam Kinnison clip on YouTube for the first time. She

slinked down to the floor, crawling towards the closet in the bathroom.

Her split end hair dragging across the tile floor, she reached the closet and was able to

partition it open. Her laughs got more consistent and she revealed a shrine, complete with horns at the

head and tarot cards at the base. It appeared as if she was claiming some type of power from this shrine,

as her face suddenly got more serious and she stood up as if the last three minutes was all her

imagination. Again, facing the mirror, with a bigger smile than before, she shook her head in approval.

“So, you haven’t given up on me yet?”

Her wounds healed in front of her very eyes, and the blood dissipated. She reached into a

drawer that was attached to the left side of the sink. She pulled out a small handheld notebook and

sat down at the dining room table to create a list. With a black gel pen in hand, she got to work.